Lifecycle Cable Services

Ensuring reliability at every stage in your cable's life.

Our dedicated Service & Installation department is there for you from Installation to Decommissioning of your cable asset.
We specialise in providing services for both modern and legacy cable systems. Whether onshore or offshore, we will support you both with cable installation and maximising the cable's operational performance through maintenance, repairs, and modern cable monitoring solutions - ensuring your power cables are always in optimal condition.
With NKT you can expect prompt, reliable, and high quality support. Our experienced team helps you prevent, prepare for, and mitigate cable failures through our repair preparedness, tailored worry-free service level agreements, regular maintenance, efficient spare parts management, and execution of emergency repairs.
Stay on the safe side with NKT's Lifecycle Cable Services – minimising network downtime and reducing overall expenditure.

Our NKT Service Locations



What makes us your lifecycle cable service partner

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Ihre Anfrage bezieht sich auf:

Operation & Maintenance
Cable Monitoring Solutions
Oil and Gas Cable Competence Centre

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